Friday, July 22, 2005

What Life?

Of course, as the ultimate procrastinator, I end up spending a lot of time reading other peoples' blogs so as to live vicariously through them. I pity the poor sap that chooses to live through mine.

I've been making or attempting contact with an interesting mix of folks lately. Since moving here, I've had a hard time finding people with whom I'd choose to spend time. I'm not saying anything about their worthiness, but the fit just isn't good. Patti and the Poconos are having a hard time jiving, dig?

I did meet someone interesting as a result of the Fisher video shoot. I was too much of a dork to talk to her there, but we have managed to e-mail a few times.

Hate to come off like an errant 12-step drop out, but I've also been trying to get back in touch with some old friends from the 80's and 90's (where's Mr. Peabody when you need him?). No, not to make amends for drunken indiscretions, just to get caught up. Through the magic of the Internet, I may just find success. I'd put their names here so that you, gentle reader, could let them know of my interest in connecting, but you're not even reading this.


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