Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Really, I Need an Answer. The Only Ones Interested in My Life Want to Ruin It.

So, I've got questions. Mainly aimed at those who oppose gay marriage. I hear all about the evils that would surely permeate our now-pristine set of perfect heterosexual examples of marriage. I hear about protecting the sanctity of marriage and securing family values. I hear about money shortages if companies extend benefits. I hear about windbags trying to amend the Constitution. What I have yet to hear is any valid reason for any of these right-wing conservative propaganda "what-ifs."

My big question is this: before anyone tries to define who is eligible to be joined in the union of marriage, could we please define that union? Is it a religious institution? Is it a secular institution? If it is a religious union, then the Federal Government has no right to use it as any form of criteria for any purpose such as: Taxation, property rights, adoption, etc.. If it is a secular union, then no one has any right to try to fit it into any religion other than that of the two parties involved. Our intellectually-impaired leader seems to want it both ways. He wants his version of God and religion to determine what is right for all of our citizens, regardless of each individual's chosen set of beliefs and he wants to be able to utilize parts of that union to determine eligibility for federal benefits and responsibility to the IRS.

I am at a loss to understand how any union outside of one's own marriage could impact said marriage, yet I have heard about the fear that same-sex marriage would weaken the whole institution of marriage. How, I Is the marriage institution so weak that it can be shaken in this way? We now have information at our disposal...would some statistician please go to Massachusetts and measure the stability of heterosexual marriages in the wake of the recently wed same-sex couples that are now fortunate enough to have been legally recognized?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

'intellectually-impaired' - You are a lot nicer than I am. Plenty of adjectives come to mind when I think of this guy and none of them are that polite.

I have to admit I tend to be quite amused when they go on and on about the sanctity of the family unit, how they have to preserve and protect it. Too bad they're focusing on the wrong people. It's the straight faction who are divorcing at a rate of 2:3. Many of the straight folks who are still married are on their second or third marriage with no guarantees that they learned anything the first time around and this next union is going to stick. And what about all the single mothers out there who have never been married and have several kids by different men? I'm willing to bet there aren't a lot of lesbians in that bunch.

I also wonder what happened to the notion that God loves everyone. If you are a religious Christian, wouldn't you be more loving in your heart to everyone to please Him? What is the saying - Let he without sin cast the first stone. I don't think there is anyone alive who is 'without sin'.

And I shall depart with my all-time favorite ... people choose to be gay. Yeah, they do it to spite their righteous Christian neighbors who are so pure and 'without sin'. I know that I choose to be a lesbian because I want to be discriminated against. I want to be the object of hate crimes. Yeah, right.

6:56 PM  

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