Tuesday, August 02, 2005

I am the biggest baby on the planet.

For cryin' out loud. One day I'm fine, the next - bam. Dang parotid gland - the same one that gets poofy when you have the mumps - is big and ouchy. I'm 40 years old and am home sick today with mump-like symptoms. My impending vacation in the wilderness of Maine (at THIS cool place) prompted me to seek medical attention immediately. The pills I was prescribed are absolutely gigantic. A coworker asked if I hadn't accidentally gone to the vet.

Two tablets, twice a day...yipes! These should cure me - or choke me in the process. For the price and the size, I expect these pills to cure this and any future ailment.


Blogger LNewsEditor said...

Thanks for the news tip, Patti! It's up and posted at LNews.blogspot.com

Sorry to hear you're feeling poorly with that mumpsy thing. Are you sure those pills are meant to be taken orallly? ;-)


1:10 AM  
Blogger PromoGuy said...

I hope the antibiotics do get the swelling down.

My gal had 2 rounds of that before they discovered the real cause. I won't go there, no need to get worries going.

Just, keep on it, if it doesn't go away find an ENT.

12:13 AM  

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